Privacy Policy

Equity Tank pvt ltd (Business Name) takes your privacy seriously. The following privacy policy is intended to provide you detailed information about the privacy of your information and how it’s secured on (the “Site(s) and the Service”) and any other websites owned and operated by Equity Tank pvt ltd (Business Name). You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions of Use, and by accessing or using our Site(s), as more fully described below, you agree to be bound by all of its Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use our Site(s) and/or the Services. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately, which may be given by means including, but not limited to, issuing an email to the email address listed by registered users or by posting the revised Policy on this page. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to maintain a valid email address as a registered user and review this site and its Policy periodically and be aware of any modifications. Your continued use of the Site(s) and/or Service after such modifications will constitute your (a) acknowledgment of the modified policy; and (b) agreement to abide and be bound by the modified policy. Each time you use our Site(s) and/or the Service you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. “Processing” means using cookies on a computer or using the information in any way, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining, and disclosing information. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or our use of your personally identifiable information, please contact us at

Why do we gather information?

We gather, use, and disclose information that allows us to provide and administer the products and services that you request and enrolling you in programs you request, and communicating with you about your use of our products and services, for providing you the optimal experience with the Site(s) and the Service and to help us better understand what products and services you’re most interested in. We also collect your personal information to communicate with you and to manage your User account if you have one. To do this, we collect information that helps us understand your needs and preferences. We will only use or disclose your personal information for the purposes set out in this policy and as otherwise authorized or required by law.

What type of information do we collect and how is it used?

The contact information we collect comes directly from you. The types of information we collect include the following:

  • First and Last Name.
  • Home or other Physical Addresses, including Street Name, Name of City or Town, Zip Code, and Country.
  • Email address
  • Telephone or Cellphone Number.
  • Information collected via “cookies.”
  • We may collect this information when you register our products or services or fill out any form on or any of our linked Social Site(s). We may also collect information that you provide about others, such as friend/spouse/family members.
    We may use your contact information to provide you information about our products, special offers from our marketing alliances, newsletters, updates about our company, and other communications we think may be of value to you. If you provide us with your postal address, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers may receive telephone calls or text messages from us with information regarding new products and services. Users who register with us may receive announcements and administrative messages via email and other types of direct messages as part of this service. These communications are part of the service and you may not be able to opt-out of receiving them. If you register for membership with our website, by default your full user name, first name, last name, and your profile image (if applicable) may be visible to other visitors and members of our site. “Cookies” and Log Data : A “cookie” is a small data text file that is placed onto the memory of your browser. We use cookies to personalize information provided to you directly on the Site(s) and to record your visits to the Site(s) and the Service. The cookies do not store any personally identifiable data about you. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies. Additionally, we may collect demographic information along with data on how you interact with the Site(s) and the Service and our emails through other tracking devices such as web beacons. The demographic and email interaction data we collect is used in aggregate to allow us to determine what content and offers our Site(s) and the Service visitors find most relevant. When you visit the Site(s) and use the Service, our servers may automatically record your activity on the Site(s) and the Service (“Log Data”). This Log Data may include information such as your IP address, browser type or the domain from which you are visiting, the web pages you visit, the search terms you use, and any advertisements on which you click. For most users accessing the Internet from an Internet service provider, the IP address will be different every time you log on. We use Log Data to monitor the use of the Site(s) and the Service, and for technical administration. We do not associate your IP address with any other personally identifiable information to identify you personally, except in case of the investigation of a violation of the Terms of Use.

    Do we share information collected with other third parties?

    We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to keeping your information safe and secure. We do not sell, license, lease, or otherwise disclose your personal information to any third party for any reason except as noted earlier and as described below:
    Information may be shared with agents or contractors who assist in providing support for our internal operations. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that agents or contractors adhere to privacy procedures and will keep your personal information confidential. Information that you give us and information about your participation in the Site(s) and the Service may be combined with other personally identifiable information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. This information will be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient. This information may also be shared with other marketers to bring you offers of interest. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy policy. If our information practices materially change at some time in the future we will disclose the new purpose by posting the policy changes to the Site(s) and if requested providing you a copy of the revised privacy policy at the primary email address you provide to us, and we will seek your consent unless the use is authorized or required by law. Every time you use or visit the Site(s) it will be presumed that you have reviewed and accepted the then-current privacy policy. The information we collect may be disclosed when we are legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our website and applicable laws, or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our website.
    You should also be aware that when Personally Identifiable Information is voluntarily disclosed (i.e. your name, e-mail address, etc.) in the discussion forums or other public areas on the Site(s), Service or linked Social Sites, that information, along with any information disclosed in your communication, can be collected and used by third parties and may result in unsolicited messages from third parties. Such activities are beyond our control and this Policy does not apply to such information. Any submissions to chat rooms or other public areas on the Site(s), its Services, or linked Social Sites are accepted with the understanding that they are accessible to all third parties. If you do not want your comments to be viewed by third parties, you are advised not to make any submissions. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password and/or account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you’re online.

    How do we protect and secure the information you provide to us?

    This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your Personally Identifiable Information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations of the Internet which are beyond our control, (b) the security, integrity and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and us through this site cannot be guaranteed and (c) any such information and data may be viewed or tampered with in transit by a third party.
    Does this privacy policy apply to other websites that I can link to from website? Our Site(s) or emails from our Site or Services contains links to other websites that we do not control. This privacy policy does not apply to these linked websites. Therefore, you should review the privacy policy on each linked website. The fact that we link to a website is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party. We do not exercise control over third party websites. electronically on the website as notice to you. The effective date of this privacy policy can be found at the bottom of this document.

    Will I be notified if there are changes to this Privacy Policy?

    If changes are made to this privacy policy, these changes will be promptly posted on our Site(s) We may also attempt to email notice of the change, but we are not responsible for you receiving the email. You agree to accept the posting of a revised privacy policy electronically on the website as notice to you. The effective date of this privacy policy can be found at the bottom of this document.

    Our Policy Towards Children

    Neither the Site(s) nor the Service is directed to persons under 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with personally identifiable information without their consent, he or she should contact us at We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 18 without parental consent. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with personally identifiable information without parental consent, we will delete such information from our files and terminate that individual’s use of the Service. Any inquiries or questions regarding this Policy should be directed in writing to Last updated on 23 Mar. 2024